I’m sure there is a simple solution to this… but I can’t seem to locate it in the forums or in the dashboard.
I want to keep my post featured image from showing up as a header on my home page. I ticked the checkbox in the post editor to disable it – but that only seems to be disabling it on the individual post page and not the home page.
I want to keep the giant square image from showing up on the top of the home page.
On a side note – I would love a more advanced way of searching the support forums. If there was way for me to choose between searching by Tags, subject line, or content, and then see the results just as a list of thread titles, I think I might be able to find answers rather than, most likely, re-ask something that has been already been asked and answered.
Currently – I don’t want the featured image to show up anywhere.
Eventually – After I have several more posts – I will want to display the featured image along with an excerpt on my home page. Like the the posts here (the second post onward) http://creativesavingsblog.com/
So – Problem now – I don’t want any featured images to show up – anywhere.
No problem! I was amazed that I got to it before your response – You are phenomenal at keeping up to date on these forums and going above and beyond in helping us all customize your theme.