Hi Tom!
The other day you suggested me to use the “Bootstrap Modal” plug-in.
I followed your suggestion and it actually worked pretty nice.
But the way you load the pop-ups for your videos in this website was so nice that I couldn’t resist to try that Venobox JQuery Script.
Now, looking at the “Bootstrap Modal” plug-in code I realized that it actually was doing pretty easy stuff, it just enqueue the css and js files and that’s it!
(Note: I don’t know JS or PHP at all, I’m roughly a CSS amateur)
I tried to do similar with Venobox but it needs to be initialized…
My intuition drove me to the conclusion that adding this to wp_footer hook could do the trick:
And it actually does…
This is the first time I do a plug-in. π
* * * * * * *
Now I would like to know how to add that <script>…</script> stuff to the footer automatically with the plugin so it can work no matter if you have “hooks” add-on or not.
Can you give me a little help with this.
The pseudo-beta plug-in can be found here:
I hope not to be too Off Topic
Thanks in advance