[Resolved] Rearrange elements on paged pages

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Rearrange elements on paged pages

Home Forums Support Rearrange elements on paged pages

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  • #2351156
    Customer Support

    The screenshot you shared here says Page – 1: https://generatepress.com/forums/topic/rearrange-elements-on-paged-pages/#post-2351142

    To clarify, is this screenshot paged or not?


    I see. The first one is the job-opening archive. Archives are not paged right?

    The second screenshot is .com/page/3

    I hope this helps and please let me know your thoughts.


    Customer Support

    I see. Thank you for clarifying.

    Can you try adding this:

    body.archive main#main {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
    body.archive main#main .gb-container.my_newsletter_container {
        order: -2
    body.archive main#main header.page-header {
        order: -1

    Almost there thanks Fernando! Job-opening archive and job-opening paged are perfect.

    Just need to rearrange the Featured Jobs section on .com/page/2.

    Can we do that with CSS or should I now do that with priority on the hook element?


    Customer Support

    We’ll need CSS.

    Can you share all the CSS you have now, and how you want it to look again on .com/page/2?


    Sounds good. Please see below:

    /* rearrange job number, featured jobs, and newsletter */
    body.blog[class^='paged'] main#main, body[class*=' paged'] main#main{
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
    body.blog[class*=' paged'] .my_jobsnumber_container,body.blog[class*=' paged'] .my_newsletter_container, body.blog[class*=' paged'] .site-main>article, body.blog[class*=' paged'] nav#nav-below{
        order: -1;
    body.blog[class*=' paged'] .my_featuredjobs_container {
        order: 0;
    body.archive main#main {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
    body.archive main#main .gb-container.my_newsletter_container {
        order: -2
    body.archive main#main header.page-header {
        order: -1
    Customer Support

    Can you try removing this first?:

    body.blog[class^='paged'] main#main, body[class*=' paged'] main#main{
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
    body.blog[class*=' paged'] .my_jobsnumber_container,body.blog[class*=' paged'] .my_newsletter_container, body.blog[class*=' paged'] .site-main>article, body.blog[class*=' paged'] nav#nav-below{
        order: -1;
    body.blog[class*=' paged'] .my_featuredjobs_container {
        order: 0;

    Ok great I did that, thanks. Getting closer.


    Now just need to please shift featured jobs below All Jobs

    Customer Support

    Can you try replacing all the code we have for this with:

    body:is(.archive, [class*=' paged']) main#main {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
    body:is(.archive, [class*=' paged']) .gb-container.my_newsletter_container {
        order: -2;
    body.archive header.page-header {
        order: -1;
    body[class*=' paged'] .my_jobsnumber_container {
        order: -1;

    It worked! Beautiful! Thank you so much Fernando!

    Customer Support

    You’re welcome Fergal!

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