[Support request] Re: Newsletter Signup Footer

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Home Forums Support Re: Newsletter Signup Footer

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    I want to create something similar to the “email subscribe” DIV at the bottom of this page:


    I see that it’s a div with two sections. The left is H2 + <p> text, and the right is an embedded Mailchimp form.

    What’s the most effective way to accomplish this within GeneratePress? I’d like it to look very similar to this example—clean, with plenty of padding, etc.

    Would I create a widget?

    Would I embed custom DIV HTML code into a custom HTML box?

    Here’s my website for reference: https://www.thegoldenlamb.com

    Thank you,


    Customer Support

    Hi Kelsey,

    You can try using a Block Element hooked to before_footer.

    Then, using GenerateBlocks, you can use a GB Grid Block to create the two columns.

    The left column would contain Headline Blocks, and yes, the right column would contain a WP HTML Block to embed the mailchimp form. I think Mailchimp also has a Shortcode. So, if it has one, you can use a WP Shortcode Block as an alternative as well.

    Hope this clarifies!


    Thanks, Fernando,

    I created the hook element. For now, I’m simply inserting a shortcode for the signup form. Not creating 2 columns at this point. But, I can’t get the “email subscribe” to show up above the very bottom footer. It’s showing up before the “leave a comment” section.

    I’ve tried all the options for “generate before…” I don’t see an option to generate_before_footer_widgets.


    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    did you resolve this ? as i see the comments from followed by the Sign up for new recipes, tutorials, & more! footer

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