[Resolved] post header above and below content

Home Forums Support [Resolved] post header above and below content

Home Forums Support post header above and below content

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  • #191229
    Joanne Smith

    I have created an Image in the ‘blog page header’ settings and when you click on the NEWS Tab with the widget area activated the image stretches across the page above the blog content — which looks nice and is exactly what I want.

    However, when I add a CUSTOM header ( the same image ) to a individual post which has also has the widget area activated the image appears ONLY on the blog content area – in other words it does not appear above the blog content area — it is cut off by the right widget side bar.

    Because the website is using PAGES on the main site, I can’t set this header image as it is only meant for the BLOG NEWS area — with a independent header than the pages set up ?? How can I set it so that the ‘ blog header ‘ image LOOKS exactly the same across the NEWS blog area and ignores the main site. I tried using the hooks but it goes across all the site ?

    the client wants a independent BANNER for the news area of the site


    Posts header different layout with widgets

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Joanne Smith.
    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Have you tried “Customize > Layout > Single Post Header Position”?

    Let me know ๐Ÿ™‚

    Joanne Smith

    I can’t seem to find that tab on my theme for the BLOG area ?

    custom settings

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Make sure you’re using the latest version of GP Premium (1.2.81).

    Then those two options should display at the bottom of the “Layout” section.

    Joanne Smith

    OK — updated the plugin and the POSTS individual headers work

    but when I added the images for the MAIN blog header — all I get it the TEXT showing


    not sure why the blog main header is not showing ?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Can you try disabling the hard crop? I think the cropping mechanism is having issues in WordPress 4.5 – I have to push out an update today.

    Joanne Smith

    yes that worked

    BUT the MAIN Blog page has the image going across the page – full width

    blog header - full width

    and single Blog single post — it is still above but the image is smaller — and to the left – even though I did say set it to center


    any ideas how to make it look same for both as client will point it out!


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Try this:

    .page-header-image-single img {
        width: 100%;
    Joanne Smith


    thank you!!

    Love the new upgrades


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You’re welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

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