[Resolved] Possible conflict with Visual Composer

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Home Forums Support Possible conflict with Visual Composer

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  • #144195
    Peter Islin Nielsen

    Yep, I’ve just sent you the login credentials. Knock yourself out πŸ™‚

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    This is definitely a head scratcher.. I may have something to do with us using the :active or :focus CSS selectors, but if that’s the case, that’s something VC would have to look into, as those are just default CSS selectors and they work when not in the VC rows.

    Another possible solution is to do something like this:

    	var device = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
    	var ios = device.match(/(iphone|ipod|ipad)/);
    	if ( ios ) {
    		$('.vc_row a')
    		.live('touchstart', function(){
    			isScrolling = false;
    		.live('touchmove', function(e){
    			isScrolling = true;
    		.live('touchend', function(e){
    			if( !isScrolling )
    				window.location = $(this).attr('href');
    Peter Islin Nielsen

    Yeah, it’s super weird. I’ve tried with your suggested code, but it doesn’t help. But I think I’ve found something: After debugging like hell, I’ve narrowed (part of) the issue down to this little code snippet:

     * Display the classes for the sidebar.
     * @since 0.1
     * @param string|array $class One or more classes to add to the class list.
    function generate_right_sidebar_class( $class = '' ) {
    	// Separates classes with a single space, collates classes for post DIV
    	echo 'class="' . join( ' ', generate_get_right_sidebar_class( $class ) ) . '"';

    I don’t know why, but if I remove this code from generatepress/inc/element-classes.php the issue seems to go away on some pages. Of course this not a useful solution because it provokes other errors, but maybe it can give you a hint in what direction to look. I don’t think it’s related to the sidebar – but it might be related to the way classes are handled.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Interesting – so what happens if you set the page to have no sidebars?

    Peter Islin Nielsen

    It seems to work when I try it on this page:

    But it doesn’t work on this one:

    And it doesn’t work on the front pages (with no sidebars) either.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Super weird – this means it’s probably not that function.

    I’ll keep looking into it πŸ™‚

    Peter Islin Nielsen

    Hi Tom,

    Found anything yet? πŸ™‚

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Every time I think I get close it doesn’t end up being the issue.

    Will dedicate a couple hours tomorrow and get it figured out – will update you.

    Peter Islin Nielsen

    Thanks, Tom! I really appreciate it.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    As far as I can tell, it’s an issue with the :hover selector in CSS. If you search for “ios :hover double tap” you’ll find a lot of people talking about it.

    Why is it an issue only in VC? I have no idea..

    I can’t fully test this (by removing the :hover selectors) as the admin account you made for me can’t access files.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Is the homepage of your dev site using VC? I’m not noticing the issue on that page with my iPad.

    Peter Islin Nielsen

    Yes, it is. Sometimes the issue disappears if there’s no sidebars on the page.

    I’ll happily set up an FTP account for you if it can help in any way?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    That would definitely help – you can send the details to support@generatepress.com πŸ™‚

    Peter Islin Nielsen

    Done πŸ™‚

    Peter Islin Nielsen

    Hi Tom.

    Just to let you know, this issue has somehow fixed itself. I don’t know how or when, but it was probably in one of the recent updates from WPBakery – maybe the one fixing their jQuery fuckup πŸ™‚

    Thanks for all your help!

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