[Resolved] Permalink icon

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Home Forums Support Permalink icon

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  • #416760

    Hi guys,

    I feel like this has an embarrassingly obvious answer, call it a lack of imagination on my part.

    I’m looking to add an icon for the permalink to link posts. Readers can click through on the date, but so many people don’t seem to realise that. What I have I mind is something like Gruber does on Daring Fireball. That way readers can either click the title for the external link, or click through to the blog post via the icon. Gruber uses that little star.

    I figure I will use a Font Awesome icon. I know I can do this manually, but its clumsy. I’m wondering if I can do it by adding a custom field, or some other way?

    Maybe the read more field?

    Thanks, yet again

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Which links are you looking to target exactly? You should be able to click through to the post using the title or the date.


    Yep, can click through on the date, of course. It is that link that I want. The permalink for the post itself. The date works well, but readers don’t seem to get that. It seems to have become a de facto standard for Apple nerds to expect an icon somewhere. The title of a linked post is linked to an external URL, whereas a permalink icon works like the date link does.

    This might be more of a feature request really. It doesn’t really work through RSS at the moment either, as link posts direct back to the blog post.

    The idea is that that the link posts come through in the feed as external links. Clicking the title works as it would on the blog, by taking the reader to the external link instead of the post. But the permalink comes through in the post too, giving the reader the option.

    I was really just hoping to avoid yet another plugin. This one does what I want. I might have to mess around with it a bit.

    I can still do it manually too, of course.

    Thanks again.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I’m afraid I still don’t really understand – sorry!

    Where is the icon being added? Next to external links?

    Is there an example site you can link me to so I can see a visual example?


    Sorry Tom.I’m still really new at this, so ned to work on how I explain these things. I’m worried I’m wasting your time on something stupid here. The icon is the link, its a clickable icon.

    I put a link in the original post https://daringfireball.net, but here is a Screenshot that hopefully makes sense of it.

    Also, here is another site that does something similar, except its more obvious as he puts the word permalink next to the icon – https://512pixels.net – that site is also a WordPress site, so it’s probably more relevant.

    Honestly though, there is nothing urgent or important about this.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Perhaps this article will help: https://lefkomedia.com/adding-external-link-indicator-with-css/

    Let me know ๐Ÿ™‚

    Royal Rangers

    Is some option how exclude from specific places? Example menu, footer, sidebar, specific links?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You’d need to target that section with the correct selector.

    For example, the sidebar:

    .sidebar a[target="_blank"]:after {
        content: " (external)";

    Or the footer:

    .site-footer a[target="_blank"]:after {
        content: " (external)";
    Royal Rangers

    Great. Thanks.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You’re welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

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