[Resolved] Page Header Background Video WP 4.8.2

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Page Header Background Video WP 4.8.2

Home Forums Support Page Header Background Video WP 4.8.2

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    The Page Header Background Video appears to have stopped playing, and it may have happened about the time that my WordPress instance was upgraded to 4.8.2. I’m not certain of the timing, however.

    I have two different instances running WordPress 4.8.2, but with different versions of GP Premium:

    GP Premium 1.2.94

    GP Premium 1.4.3

    Both are 1.4 of GeneratePress, but the Background Video does not work on either websites (both behind a firewall).

    One WordPress is a new install, while the other has been in development since last Spring. The mp4 video previews for me when I view it in the Media Library, and the poster image shows when visiting the site, but the video does not play.

    Also, I can’t seem to get the menu to show on top of the poster image. The poster image is being pushed down the page rather than show as a layer under the menu.

    Thanks and regards,

    Customer Support

    Hi Todd,

    Can you provide link(s) to the page(s) in question? Thanks!


    same problem with videos(
    Any solution?


    Hi Leo,
    Unfortunately, my sites are behind a firewall.

    I reverted to GP Premium 1.2.94 (the same as my test site), and that did not have any effect on the background video autoplay. I am on Sierra (not High Sierra), but updated Safari to 11, and that could be the culprit. For starters, Safari 11 turns off autoplay for videos. Even with enabling autoplay for videos, Safari 11 doesn’t want to do anything but display the static image for the Page Header.

    In Chrome, however, the background video plays just fine.

    For me, the background video in GP Premium 1.2.94 appears on a layer underneath the menu (see screenshot: https://pasteboard.co/GPdkeTy.png) , so reverting restored the layered effect. GP Premium 1.4 doesn’t want to layer the menu over the background video, however, keeping the menu and background image in a separate containers.

    Thanks and regards,

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Safari released an update which prevents videos from autoplaying.

    We’ve applied a patch in GPP 1.5 which fixes it.

    You can try the beta if you’d like: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/beta-testing/


    Hi Tom,
    Thank you for the response!

    I realize that you’re at a disadvantage by not being able to view my website. Before I install GPP 1.5, is it still possible to layer the background image/video under the navigation menu? This is the other issue that I was having, and my assumption is that the CSS changed enough from 1.2.94 to the version I tried (1.4.3), that I wasn’t able to layer the nav menu over the background image/video on the homepage any longer.

    Does 1.5 address that, or am I likely experiencing a completely different issue?

    Thanks and regards,

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    No problem 🙂


    Thank you, Tom!

    The video background is layered under the menu again for me.

    For others who might read this, I am now on WordPress 4.8.2, Generate Press 1.4 and GP Premium 1.4.3

    Thanks and regards,

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Glad you got it working 🙂

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