I’m trying to make the Page Header on my home page 100% width, at present it is being contained within the container width. I have the container type set to full-width in the content tab. I’ve tried targetting it with CSS using max-width: 100% but this hasnt worked either.
I also tried using a full-width Section and setting it as a background, this made the image full-width as required but it only displayed part of the height of the image because there was no content within the section editor.
Thanks, I think I tried this it works for the width but it also increases the height. I want to keep it at a max-height of 480px if possible. I know its difficult to do that and keep it responsive at the same time.
Your right adding a a height distorts the image. I think some sliders get around this by slightly zooming into the image to keep the aspect ratio correct. I may have to try one, I believe I could add the slider shortcode to the page header content.