No update notifications – security issue

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Home Forums Support No update notifications – security issue

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  • #102349

    To Whom It May Concern,

    My installation of GP Premium on two different websites has never auto-updated since I installed it in February 2015. It is still version 1.1; furthermore, I have not been informed that updates are available.

    We can’t be expected to manually dig through your site to find the download link, and then compare the file contents, just to make sure our plugin is up-to-date.

    This is especially and critically true when real money has been paid. Paying for a plugin should include peace of mind that whenever updates are provided, I’m either supplied with or informed of said updates in a timely manner.

    Please advise when and how this issue will be resolved.

    Thank you.

    *Updates of which I was not supplied or informed:

    (4/14/2015) – 1.2.3
    [!] Sections: Fix language path
    [*] All add-ons: Update language files
    [!] Sections: Remove wp_enqueue_media() call which was breaking featured image


    (4/12/2015) – 1.2.2
    [!] Spacing: Fix bug where sidebar padding wasn’t working with one container set
    [!] Sections: Fix error relating to old version of PHP


    (4/11/2015) -1.2.1
    [!] Sections: Fix bug where HTML was being stripped


    (4/9/2015) – 1.2
    [+] German translations added (thank you Daniel!!)
    [*] Page Header & Blog: remove bfi_thumb and use WordPress resizer (reduced memory usage)
    [*] Typography: Group typography options into areas
    [+] Typography: Comic Sans MS added to font list
    [*] Colors: French translation updated
    [*] Spacing: French translation updated
    [*] Blog: French translation updated
    [*] Copyright: French translation updated
    [+] Copyright: Save button added below textarea
    [+] Typography: French translation added
    [*] Secondary Nav: Mobile breakpoint removed from mobile.css and added to enqueue function
    [+] Sections: Introducing Generate Sections
    [!] Page Header: Fix bug where add paragraphs doesn’t work on Blog Header
    [+] Import/Export: Ability to import/export GP Hooks added
    [+] Hooks: Ability to import/export GP Hooks added
    [*] Page Header: Disable parallax on mobile
    [!] Blog: Show next/prev links even when everything else is hidden
    [*] Blog: Masonry improved


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Sorry about the inconvenience!

    Plugins in WordPress don’t have the option to “auto-update” like WordPress installations (yet).

    However, if you’ve activated your email address (, you should receive notifications in the Dashboard that updates are available. Can you confirm that the email address you purchased with has been activated?

    I’m working on additional ways to notify users that updates have been released, including an option to sign up for email updates – I’ll hopefully have that ready to go soon.

    As for security – if there’s ever any security issues found in our add-ons or theme, we would contact everyone via email, Twitter, Facebook and these forums letting them know how to update to the secure version. So far, no security issues have been found.

    Let me know 🙂

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