I’m looking how to enable nested comments. I enabled it with the wordpress discus options, but it doesn’t have any effect.
Is it sometheing that pertains your theme? Nested comments requiers also a reply button at the end of comments, and I don’t know how to realize it.
And what I detected about comments:
I don’t know whether it’s your turn to bulid the language files (de_DE.mo/po). But there is an improperly (or unlikely?) translation-term that comes along with it: One thought on “%2$s” (plural: %1$s thoughts on “%2$s”)
If it is your turn, you better should translate (to german) it with: Ein Kommentar zu “%2$s” (plural: %1$s Kommentare zu “%2$s”)
But it’s your decision.
For my purpose I changed it with poedit. Will the files changed by futured updates of your theme. Because the changes only works by saving these files in your (generatepress) language directory.
Nested comments should definitely work – glad you got them working.
As for the translation – if you want to send over the de_DE.pot and de_DE.mo files to support@generatepress.com, I can include them in the new version of GP 🙂