Navigation Hoover (width)

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Home Forums Support Navigation Hoover (width)

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  • #136331
    Monique Montes


    How can I make the width of my navigation hoover smaller so that when you hoover over, there isn’t a lot of extra space above and below the navigation links?
    I would like to keep the navigation centered next to the image how it is currently.

    Thank you

    my site is


    Hi Monique. This css should reduce the spacing between the main and sub-menus, and reduce the width of the sub-menu list:

    .main-navigation ul ul {
        top: 40px;
        width: 150px;

    Adding CSS:

    Monique Montes

    hmm sorry maybe I should have said the “height” of my navigation links smaller
    I put in the custom css code but that didn’t seem to work. When you hoover over each link, the hoover color still shows excessively above and below each link.


    Check Customizer > Element Spacing > Primary Menu Items > Height; set that to 50. Then add this css:

    .main-navigation {
        padding-top: 30px;
    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    The above will do it 🙂

    Then, if you need to move the navigation down to center it within the header area, add this CSS:

    .main-navigation {
           margin-top: 20px;

    Adjust the px as needed.

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