[Resolved] My text linking some of my pages by Automatci

Home Forums Support [Resolved] My text linking some of my pages by Automatci

Home Forums Support My text linking some of my pages by Automatci

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  • #1128138
    Ahmadou Lo

    Hi there am using GeneratePress Pro but I have some problem, now when I write a text some of the text will link automatic to some of my pages and I don’t know why? hope to get some help. thank you.

    Best Regards
    Ahmadou Lo

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Not sure if I fully understand.

    Currently all the content I see is from Elementor.

    Can you guide me to the page and the content in question that’s actually using GP?

    Let me know ๐Ÿ™‚

    Ahmadou Lo

    Hi, Leo, I build the site with Elementor do you think Elementor is causing the problem?

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    if you can point us to where the issue can be seen we may be able to tell whats causing the issue

    Ahmadou Lo

    You can check HomePage if you scroll down on about section you will see some of the text is linked to some of my pages.

    Customer Support

    The link would be whatever you’ve added within Elementor:

    Ahmadou Lo

    I didn’t link it when I open Elementor to edit the page the link will not show and I cannot control the link with Elementor or change the colour link, but when I close Elementor I can see the link and be able to change the colour link with GeneratePress on customizer dashboard colour.

    Customer Support

    If the editor is automatically adding links you will need to speak to Elementor.
    May be worth disabling any other plugins to see if one of them is causing an issue.

    Ahmadou Lo

    Ok I will do that thank you for the help.

    Customer Support

    No problem ๐Ÿ™‚

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