[Resolved] Mobile Menu not expanding

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Mobile Menu not expanding

Home Forums Support Mobile Menu not expanding

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  • #182372

    Hello Tom,

    I’ve really enjoyed working with GP but I’ve run into an issue. I started changing color and making the menu sticky, and now my menu won’t expand when it’s in its mobile view. I’ve tried setting it back to what it was like before I was changing settings, but it hasn’t fixed anything.

    In addition, I had a parallax effect on the section below the menu on the home page, and that is no longer working.

    I suspect it may have something with this error I found in the console – “Uncaught TypeError: this.on is not a function” in “admin-bar.min.js” that may be stopping some javascript from firing.

    Here is a link to the webpage: http://docusolmini.com/wordpress/

    Any thoughts?


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Amy,

    Very strange, you might have a plugin with some bad javascript code.

    Can you try #1 on this page?: https://generatepress.com/knowledgebase/debugging/


    Thanks Tom,

    When you mentioned that I remembered that I put in a contact form around the same time I was altering the menu. Once I removed that bit of javascript code, everything started working again.

    I’ll go through that code and see if I can find the bad spot in it. Thanks so much for your insight – since the theme and plugins had been working beautifully just a few hours ago this sudden weirdness was driving me bonkers!

    Thanks again for your help,


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Glad I could help! 🙂

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