Missing "Subscribe" button for Mailchimp Signup

Home Forums Support Missing "Subscribe" button for Mailchimp Signup

Home Forums Support Missing "Subscribe" button for Mailchimp Signup

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    I’m trying to add a Mailchimp newsletter signup form into the right sidebar of my website. I know there are several ways to do this and I’ve chosen to create the embedded form on Mailchimp’s site then copy/pasta the html code into wordpress.

    I’ve tried this same method using another wordpress theme and the newsletter/email signup form showed up fine in the sidebar. However, using generatepress, the newsletter signup lacks a “Subscribe” button. The form appears truncated, as seen here.

    Currently I’m using a text widget (I tried a different text widget w/same results) to show the Mailchimp form. I have also tried simply entering the Mailchimp email form code into various spots of the Sidebar.php in the WordPress Editor section. The form appeared, but again did not show the Subscribe button.

    I used this in the Mailchimp code on my other website and was able to change the Subscribe button to red.
    #mc_embed_signup input[type=”submit”] {
    background: #FF0000
    But on the GeneratePress site, this did not have any effect (I tried removing this from the email signup form code with no effect)-because of course the Subscribe button didn’t show up in the first place.

    Lastly, I should note that I’m using the same newsletter signup form on two websites (the first, on which the form appears correctly and this one, where it does not appear correctly). I’m not sure this would play a role in it, but just thought I’d mention in case it does.

    Thank you for your time and help,


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Can you link me to the page where this is happening so I can take a look at the code?


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Try adding this custom CSS:

    #mc_embed_signup .clear {
          visibility: visible;
    Tom Catalini

    Hi Tom,

    I tried this tweak to get the subscribe button to show up but it didn’t work…any other suggestions?


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Tom,

    Can you link me to your site?


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