Microdata Markup using sections add on

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Home Forums Support Microdata Markup using sections add on

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  • #185350
    scott doel

    Hi Tom,

    Can I build a one page site and include markup in the sections plugin (not bought yet)? I wanted to create scroll to links and include the itemscope markup as listed Here

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You could use the generate_article_itemtype filter.

    It seems you had purchased but you were refunded, hopefully you end up buying again if you want to use GP Premium 🙂

    scott doel

    I will be Tom, looks like you’ve done loads to the addons!

    can you explain how I would use generate_article_itemtype filter please?

    I’m trying to build a ‘call me’ site for business coaching

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hmm, after some testing it’s not as easy as I thought targeting Sections only.

    Will need to look into this some more.

    scott doel

    OK Thanks for trying Tom, will wait to hear

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Been looking into this. I don’t think it will be possible to add specific microdata to each created section.

    You would have to create a custom page template and create the sections manually: https://generatepress.com/forums/topic/set-a-page-template-to-use-sections/

    scott doel

    Thanks Tom, as littler past my skills so will just use single pages, but thanks for looking

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