[Resolved] Making full div clickable

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Making full div clickable

Home Forums Support Making full div clickable

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    Working on a site which is using multiple divs as blocks which link off to pages.

    They have a H2 within them that has an <a> that links to the page.

    I however want the whole div to be clickable…

    I have tried encapsulating the div in an <a> tag however WP auto closes it.

    I am trying to avoid using crude onclick JS or JQuery that looks for a click in the div and goes to the <a> location…

    Any ideas?


    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    you can use :pseudo elements to increase the click area of an <a>
    For example:

    /* The post <article> needs to be the closest relatively positioned element */
    .single-tile {
        position: relative;
    /* then the a:before pseudo can be abs positioned to the article container */
    .tile-title a:before {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        right: 0;
        bottom: 0;
        left: 0; 
    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Would something like this help?

    Another possible solution here:

    This isn’t a theme related question so definitely worth trying a few solutions available on Google.


    Hello Both,

    Really like the idea that David suggests of making the <a> fill the div using CSS.

    I have sort of managed to accomplish it…

    Problem being I now cannot get my text to be horizontally center aligned in the div.

    In order to get as far as I have got I ended up putting the <a> tag outside the <h2> tag rather than within as it was previously.

    Any ideas?


    Customer Support

    Heres a simple HTML example for using the pseudo elememt to enlarge the click area:

    <div class="my-container">
        <h2 class="my-title"><a href="#" class="my-title-link">The Title</a><h2>

    And the CSS:

    /* Relative positioned container */
    .my-container {
        position: relative;
        min-height: 400px;
        background-image: url('my-image.jpg');
        /* Flex for centering */
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        align-items: center;
    /* Create pseudo element on link */
    /* Absolute positon over container */
    .my-title-link:before {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        right: 0;
        bottom: 0;
        left: 0;
        background-color: #000;
        opacity: 0;
    /* BONUS: Add hover overlay effect to pseudo */
    .my-title-link:hover:before {
        opacity: 0.2;


    Many thanks for that!

    Used your above code to full effect except changed the min-height: 400px; to height: inherit; so it would get its height from the above div, meaning if I ever want to make them longer or shorter I can do so easily without changing in two places!

    Many thanks for the help, really appreciated!


    Customer Support

    Glad to be of help 🙂


    Hi David,
    Came across this discussion and tried to use the CSS on a test page, using GB beta 4.
    I get the hover effect, but nowhere is clickable – any clues ?
    The link looks OK when I view the source code!
    It’s the ‘Hi there mate’ block

    TIA, Dave

    ps – Update: I took out:
    content: ”;
    That made the heading clickable, but not the whole block!

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    use the code i provided above but with the following 2 changes:


    /* Create pseudo element on link */
    /* Absolute positon over container */
    .my-title-link:before {


    /* Create pseudo element on link */
    /* Absolute positon over container */
    .my-title-link a:before {

    And change:

    /* BONUS: Add hover overlay effect to pseudo */
    .my-title-link:hover:before {


    /* BONUS: Add hover overlay effect to pseudo */
    .my-title-link a:hover:before {
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