[Resolved] Make picture clickable in a side by side query loop block

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Make picture clickable in a side by side query loop block

Home Forums Support Make picture clickable in a side by side query loop block

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    I copied one of Mikes query loops templates from generateblocks into my website, specifically the one that shows the first post in a double grid where the featured picture is to the left and the title, terms and date is to the right. I see that it works differently than a normal query loop block in the sense that there is no picture block to the left, but rather a container background. I guess this is to ensure the layout stays the same no matter what picture is dynamically added as the background. Is there a way to make it so that the picture is also clickable like the other posts on the page?

    Thanks in advance

    Customer Support

    Hi there.

    Whilst its using a Container Block background you would need GenerateBlocks Pro, as that includes an option to make the container a link.


    Ok David, thanks for the answer! Iยดll consider that option!

    By the way, I like your designs the best from the site library and pattern library. Please create some more when you have the time ๐Ÿ™‚

    have a nice day

    Customer Support

    Aww man – thank you for the kind words ๐Ÿ™‚

    Do you have a site with the query block in place?
    If so share a link and ill see if we can make that image clickable ๐Ÿ™‚


    Amazing! Yes, I do:
    Thanks a lot man!

    Customer Support

    1. Select the Grid block thats inside Query Loops post template:


    And in Advanced > Additional CSS Classes add: aside-featured-post

    2. Add this CSS:

    .aside-featured-post {
    	position: relative;
    .aside-featured-post h2 a:before {
    	content: '';
    	position: absolute;
    	top: 0;
    	right: 0;
    	bottom: 0;
    	left: 0;

    That should make the whole post clickable.


    it is not working quite yet.

    I applied the class and added the class to additional CSS but .aside-featured-post and .aside-featured-post h2 a:before are red as if something is wrong with those two sentences

    maybe you want to login and try yourself? if so iยดm pasting you the login details

    Customer Support

    There’s a } missing before David’s CSS ๐Ÿ™‚


    That did it! Thank you very much Ying and have a nice rest of the day!

    Customer Support

    You are welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

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