[Support request] I want only element on mainpage.

Home Forums Support [Support request] I want only element on mainpage.

Home Forums Support I want only element on mainpage.

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  • #2298586

    Hi. I use a hook and element on my categories on top of categories and on mainpage.

    When I go to second category page with posts the element hook is still there. Is it possible to have the hook element only on mainpage or
    top of 1st category page. How do I disable element for other category pages e.g. 2 3 4 and so on.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    you can use a PHP Snippet like so:

    add_filter( 'generate_element_display', function( $display, $element_id ) {
        if ( 99 === $element_id && is_paged() ) {
            $display = false;
        return $display;
    }, 10, 2 );

    You need to change the 99 to the ID of your Element ( which can be found in the Browser URL when editing the element ).

    How to add PHP:


    Ok, so if I only want element on 1st page or mainpage of a category, it’s the code I use?


    It worked, thanks. Can I do like this:

    add_filter( ‘generate_element_display’, function( $display, $element_id ) {
    if ( 3137 === $element_id && is_paged() ) {
    $display = false;

    return $display;
    }, 10, 2 );


    Can I replace 3137 with this: 3137,3032,2352,2523,2523 if I want the function work for several elements?

    Customer Support

    Try this:

     add_filter( 'generate_element_display', function( $display, $element_id ) {
        $your_element_ids = array( 3137, 3032, 2352, 2523, 2523 );
        if (  in_array( (int)$element_id, $your_element_ids ) && is_paged() ) {
             $display = false;
         return $display;
     }, 10, 2 );

    Just update the $your_element_ids = array() values


    Didn’t work for me, you are sure this is correct?

    Customer Support

    Oh my – sorry i pasted in the wrong code …. i fixed it here:


    give that a try


    Works now! Thanks a lot.

    Customer Support

    Glad to be of help


    I use a hook and element on my categories on top of categories and on main page.

    When I go to second category page with posts the element hook is still there. Is it possible to have the hook element only on main page or
    top of 1st category page. How do I disable element for other category pages e.g. 2 3 4 and so on.

    Hi. I have the same question as above but I would like to implement it for tags, can you provide me with the code for it?

    Customer Support

    Hi ER,

    Will the Element be displaying on all categories archives- just the first page though?

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