I don't want the background on my sticky menu

Home Forums Support I don't want the background on my sticky menu

Home Forums Support I don't want the background on my sticky menu

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  • #135216

    Hi Tom,

    Love the sticky menu, but I have a problem. I’m using sticky menu for both website as mobile. On the menu I have a background (a blue box for my logo) otherwise I didn’t manage to get it with no padding on the top and bottom. Also a blue box background on hover and current in the menu.

    When go to mobile, the menu has also an blue box background on it. I don’t want that. It looks like the blue box for the logo is repeating. I the customizer it’s not repeating. Also when on mobile and you’re in an other menu then home, the blue box appears also in the home.

    Hope you understand what I mean

    Link to the site

    Thanks in advance!

    Gr. Pieter

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    So you’re wanting to remove the blue gradient from the mobile menu AND the slideout menu, or only the slideout menu?

    Let me know πŸ™‚


    Hi Tom,

    Let me clear out with some images

    First of all on the left top when on mobile, the blue gradient needs to be white

    top left menu mobile

    On the slideout menu, the little blue gradient on home needs also to be white

    gradient on home

    So the problem is only on mobile and I think the gradient shown, is the background of the menu. But in the customizer I put no-repeat on the background.
    I only want the gradient been shown on hover and current.

    Hope that makes this more clear.

    Gr. Pieter

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Give this a shot:

    button.menu-toggle {
        background-image: none;
    .main-navigation.slideout-navigation .main-nav ul li a {
        background-color: #FFF;

    Let me know πŸ™‚



    Thanks! That did the job!

    Only one thing I noticed. The search icon disappeared on the mobile menu.

    Gr. Pieter

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    If you update to the latest version of GP the search icon should display next to your menu icon now πŸ™‚

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