I’ve looked through the forum and if this is in there, I missed it, so here goes.
I want be able to show a “Log Out” menu item if the user is logged in and a “Log In” menu item if the user is logged out. Another theme I’ve used has that option in it’s menu builder which was nice.
The two options I see are:
1. Have “Log In” and “Log Out” both on a menu and hide the appropriate one based on the user’s status.
2. Create two menus, one with “Log In” and the other with “Log Out” and swap menues based on the user’s status.
So, if anyone has a suggestion as to how I would go about either of the above – or any other option that will work – please let me know.
Late last night I found Nav Menu Roles and that seems to do the trick. Both look like they would do what I want with Nav Menu Roles being a little more flexible for future needs.