Hi Tom,
I have created a new site for a friend.
On this site I hide the title of curent page (not compatible with <h1></h1>, etc) with “Disable Elements =>Headline/Post Title”. I create a new custom title on top page and I adjusts the position with “Generate Spacing => Content Top : 30
Like that everything is functional and attractive to the eye.
Unfortunately “Disable Elements =>Headline/Post Title” not work on the blug pages (run on preview but not after publication).
I must create a personalized CSS for hide all curent blug pages titles :
.category .page-header {
display: none;
.category .entry-title {
display: none;
It’s work with these settings but height personalized title is not good compared to a standard page.
Standard page : http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/08/1424606314-tt1.png
Blug page : http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/08/1424606324-tt2.png
How to set title of “Evénements” more up ?
Tks by advence.