[Support request] Global Footer for WordPress Multisite

Home Forums Support [Support request] Global Footer for WordPress Multisite

Home Forums Support Global Footer for WordPress Multisite

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Fernando.
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  • #2340970

    I develop for a multisite instance (130+ websites) that is using one GeneratePress theme for the parent site and another GeneratePress theme for all of the child sites. I developed a 4-column footer element (Block – Hook / Hook name: footer) that pulls the footer into a template site from which I’ve cloned additional child sites. My problem is that I want to use one footer element to serve as the footer for all of the 130+ websites that I could just run a simple include on to pull the footer in. That would make maintaining my footer much easier obviously.

    I was considering creating a hook element that would contain the include code but I’m not sure how I would pull in the footer element I have currently in my template site. Is it possible to include the footer element from one site and pull it into several other sites? What is the best approach on doing so?

    Hope that makes sense all. Thank you for any suggestions on the approach you may have.


    Customer Support

    Hi Michael,

    Elements are posts stored in the database. It’s not a file that can be included through include code.

    The usual way is to export the Element in Tools > Export, then import it in other sites.

    I believe there are plugins that can share posts in multisites. If you can share the Elements through that, that should work.

    Perhaps it might be good to ask for recommendations in our Facebook page as well: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1113359788719597


    Ok. I really don’t want another plugin to deal with. I’ll post my solution back to this ticket once I get there. Thank you Fernando.

    Customer Support

    You’re welcome Michael!

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