I really like the expanding effect that you have implemented on Generatepress.
But I am trying to use GeoMyWP’s search form to enable proximity based search. So in addition to the default search field I would like to include a dropdown city on the right side of the search icon on the menu where the city will be pre-populate with the current location of the user. This can be done with the GeoMyWP widget.
Can you let me know how to include a city field in the menu along with the search bar with the expanding effect. Also if an expanding effect can be done for both fields it would be great.
What function does the dropdown have? It allows the user to choose their city, and then when they click the search button, it will search only for items relating to that city?
I’m not sure that’s entirely possible without a decent amount of customization in the navigation search.
Does that plugin give you the code for your new search bar which includes the parameters for the city selected?
Trying to use GeoMyWp to retrieve the users city and auto select it on the dropdown or allow the user to select the city manually as per their requirement and search for what they want. Where they will be shown with relevant results.
Yes GeoMyWP does have a search form that does have the form that includes a “What” field where as of now it only has the “Address”, “Listing Categories” and “Distance” on their free version. Trying to further get to know more on the same.
Can you please let me know if i can include the city dropdown to the right of your existing search icon on the menu.
While I’m sure it’s possible, it would require quite a bit of custom development I believe, as you would have to add the dropdown to the navigation with the inside navigation hook, and then somehow attach it to the search bar that appears.
It’s a bit too complicated for me to help with through the forums – and I don’t have any experience with that plugin, so I’m not exactly sure where I’d even start.