[Resolved] Featured Images & Settings > Media

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    How does GP work with featured images and Settings > Media?

    And is the default thumbnail size in WP okay for GP?

    Thank you!

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    GP by default will output the WordPress src-set image html for all Featured Images ( unless you have them displayed as the Background of a Header Element). This includes the src to all the default WP attachment sizes if required. The browser then decides on which src to load based on the size it is being displayed.

    If you want you can select a Media Attachment size to be displayed in Customizer > Layout > Blog –> Featured Images. This will then only output that one attachment size – this is advisable ONLY for specific types of design e.g where Image is floated left of content.


    You can also set an explicit width and height – but this overrides src-set and should be used in ‘extreme’ cases.

    WP does allow you to add your own image sizes. This article explains:


    NOTE: Since WP 5.3 – WordPress actually adds more sizes than those that are listed:

    Thumbnail: 150px cropped
    Medium: 300px
    Medium-large (not listed): 768px
    Large: 1024px
    Full: Your original size.

    It also generated intermediate sizes between large and full if your original images is super big ( capped by default at 2560px ).

    So to answer your question – generally yes the default sizes work well with GP.

    For example. A 3 column blog with a 25% sidebar with a container width of 1200px would require a max-width image of 300px ( medium). And on Portrait Tablet where there is single wide column – the 768px ( medium large ) will do the job.

    When it comes to your single post – it will waiver between the 768px and 1024px image.


    Hmm, complicated. Thanks, David.

    Customer Support

    Sorry about that – after i wrote it i thought that does sound complicated.

    So looking at your site.
    A single post the maximum width of an image would be 720px. So the Medium-large would apply here. Which is fine.

    I found your Sewing tips category archive and on desktop its a maximum of 520px. When viewed on Portrait tablet this is a maximum of 768px. In both these instances. The Medium-large would apply here. And is all ok.

    If you wanted you could generate a new thumbnail size of 520px for your desktop archive size. But personally as Desktops don’t generally suffer from bandwidth issues i would probably not bother.

    Is that better 🙂

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