[Resolved] Different color for the links in a kind of pages

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Different color for the links in a kind of pages

Home Forums Support Different color for the links in a kind of pages

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  • #181867

    Hello everybody

    I am using GeneratePress Add-ons and I want to display in diferents pages the diferents post by category.
    I am using a plugging called PostGrid by Paratheme and I want to show a thumbnail of every post and the title with a link in a diferent color of the links in the blog. It is possible?

    I am trying with the CSS box of the plugin but does not work.
    I guess I need to write a kind of exception. Have you got any idea?

    Thanks in advance


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    I’m not too sure what you mean.

    In the PostGrid plugin, you want the links to the post to be different colors? Depending on what? Category? Random?


    Hi Tom

    I want the titles of the posts in black only in the grid of the page when I show the posts by categories.
    And I am using the plugin PostGrid to make this grid.

    I am usign the CSS box but this not work.

    Thanks for your time



    Hi Tom

    Sorry, I think I do not express so clear.

    I want the titles of the posts in black only in the grid of the page when I show the posts by categories.
    And I am using the plugin PostGrid to make this grid.

    The links are green, because the links in the website are green (I use the green for the Link color in the Base color of Colors in the GP Theme),
    It is posible make an exception for a plugin?

    Thanks for your time


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Any chance you can send me a link to the page with the grid so I can check the CSS?


    Hi Tom

    We are in opening day.


    and is in the “RECETAS” were I want to display the titles with link in black.

    for example in “VEGANO” cathegory


    Thank you very much

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Maybe this will help?:

    .vegano .title_link a {
        color: #000;

    Thank you Tom

    Finally I have changed the plugin

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You’re welcome 🙂

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