[Resolved] Customising Featured Image

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Home Forums Support Customising Featured Image

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  • #82733
    Trevor Jordan

    Hi, Tom,

    Sorry, it’s me again! I would like either not to have the featured image appear on the full article; or for it to be much smaller on the full page. How do I do that, please?

    Trevor Jordan

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    You can go into “Customizer > Page Header” and set it so it displays inside the content, which will make it smaller.

    If that doesn’t work, you can hide it from the full article like this:

    .page-header-image-single {
          display: none;
    Carlos Paramio

    Once you set the featured image Below Post Title in Customizer > Page Header, is there any way to put text around the image?

    I have to admit I haven’t done any search for this, it just came to mind when reading this topic


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hmm, depending on the width of the image you may be able to do this:

    .page-header-image-single {
          float: left;

    I would suggest it though – if you want an image with text wrapping around it, I would stick to adding the image inside the content.

    Carlos Paramio

    It works
    Thanks for the CSS and the advice!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    No problem πŸ™‚

    Carlos Paramio

    Sorry for re-open this topic, but I need the image below post title, with text wrapping around it, both in masonry view and in single post.

    I can add the image inside the content and then add the same image as featured image, but is it possible to achieve this without having to select and give some settings to the same image twice?

    Thank you

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Have you tried messing with the “Post Image” options in “Customize > Blog”? It allows you to float the excerpt image left/right and set a width/height.

    Carlos Paramio

    Yes, that’s what I did at first:
    I chose a featured image, then floated it with text wrapping around it and then I added the CSS you gave us before to make the image float at the same place.

    My question was if there is another solution to make the image float both in excerpt and in single post views, as you suggested to put the image inside the content.

    Hope I’ve explained better, I’m really dense today

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    So using the Customizer options to float the image in the excerpts, and then using the code above to float the image in the single post doesn’t work?

    You can always float the image in the excerpt using the Customizer, and then hide the featured image on single posts. Then you can add the single post image inside the content and float it as you like.

    Let me know if I’m missing something πŸ™‚

    Carlos Paramio

    All right, I think I’ve finally understood how it works and the different options to put images into posts.

    For now I’ll stick with using the Customizer to float the featured image in the excerpts and making it float in the single post view with the code you wrote adove.

    Now, this time for real, closed case.
    Thanks a lot

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Glad I could help πŸ™‚

    Ramesh Srinivasan

    If I may reply here. The CSS code works fine – but the floated image is half-an-inch above the starting line of content. Can it be set to be in the same level to the paragraph?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Any chance you can link me to the page where this is happening?

    Let me know πŸ™‚

    Ramesh Srinivasan

    Ya sure. Here you go!

    Also note that Typography setting for <h1> and <h2> does not seem to apply to single pages, but works for home page.

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