[Resolved] Copyright Add-On

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Home Forums Support Copyright Add-On

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  • #83518
    Cheryl Thurston

    I love your theme and I have purchased the add-on for the copyright bar so I can customize that area. I want to add my site map in that area and have the copyright information at the very bottom, with the site map appearing as a list on the left side.

    My URL is http://mcduffiepest.com

    I need to know how to hook the site map text I type into the copyright bar to the pages on my WP site. Thanks in advance for all your help. Have a nice day.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    You would have to manually input your site map links using HTML into the Copyright bar along with your copyright. HTML is allowed in that textarea, so you don’t have any limitations.

    Let me know if you need more info πŸ™‚

    Dee Broughton

    Yeah, thanks for that, btw, the html in the copyright. I customize the heck out of mine. πŸ™‚

    Cheryl Thurston

    Hello again,
    Thank you for your speedy response to my last question. I tried your suggestion but it didn’t work out as I had hoped.

    I want to add a site map to the copyright area on the Generate Press theme so I went to the add-on and typed in the words “Site Map” then skipped a line, added my text for the page title, and the html code for the page, and repeated that process for all the pages I wanted to list in the site map. I had everything left-justified (or so I thought) and skipped a couple of more lines, and had the copyright text at the bottom.

    When I saved it and opened the page in a browser, everything was in a continuous line. I suppose I will need to add some css code to make the site map float left. Can you help me with that? I am not a WordPress guru like you are.

    Please tell me what the html code for the site map looks like, and where to add the css code for my site map in the theme’s editor. I know you are not my babysitter, but I would be very grateful for your time and attention.

    Thanks and have a great day.

    Cheryl Thurston

    Hello Again,

    Please disregard the above message because I was able to customize the copyright add-on using html as you suggested.

    Thank you very much for taking such good care of your add-ons. (and newbie customers like me)

    have a great day!!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Excellent, glad you figured it out! πŸ™‚

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