When i change the container width from (1100px to 1300px) and save it, the changes reflect correctly but it remains only till i am logged in my WordPress dashboard. The moment i logout from the dashboard and refresh my webpage, all the changes made show up correctly but the container width does not change (it still remains 1100px). Its not getting saved to (1300px). Please help, i want it to be (1300px) all the time.
Yes every other changes that i specify in the Layout are getting saved and reflecting correctly. Its only the container width that remains. I have not specified any custom css.
I just tried the Typography section.. This also not getting saved (changed the font and size) … Everything shows up correctly when i modify and save but the changes remain only till i am logged in my dashboard.
In the layout section the problem is with the container width only.
Now Layout section also not getting saved.
I just figured out…
“wp fastest cache” plugin was the culprit….i had installed it for faster loading of my webpage…Just deactivated it and tried everything i was earlier doing… Everything seems perfect now..
I am really sorry to have bothered you.. the problem was at my end only π