Conflict between Typo Font Select & NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati

Home Forums Support Conflict between Typo Font Select & NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati

Home Forums Support Conflict between Typo Font Select & NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati

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  • #118939


    When NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati is activated i don’t have the choice to select the font.
    I need to disable NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati. Select my font. And activate NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati.

    It’s an bug ??

    Thank you….

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hmm, I’m not experiencing this.

    I just installed and activated NextGEN Gallery, then went to the Customizer.

    First, the Customizer wouldn’t load – it seems the plugin messes with the permalink settings. I went into “Settings > Permalinks” and clicked the save button to re-set my permalink options.

    Then I went into the Customizer, and was able to choose my fonts without any issues.

    Are you at least able to access the Customizer?

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