[Resolved] Completely Replace Header and Navigation with Custom Page Headers

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Completely Replace Header and Navigation with Custom Page Headers

Home Forums Support Completely Replace Header and Navigation with Custom Page Headers

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  • #425587

    Hi Tom,

    Is it possible to completely replace the standard header and navigation section (including sticky nav) with a custom page header? I like how GP Premium allows you to create page headers and assign them to different post types, but I’m still seeing the default header and nav bar above my custom headers.

    Essentially I’m trying to reproduce Beaver Themer’s behavior using GP and Elementor. For example, I might want a different header and nav menu on my landing pages than on the rest of the site. I might also want a different header for blog pages. I can create each header as a template in Elementor and assign them to different GP page headers using shortcodes in the content section, but can’t seem to completely override the normal GP header and nav bar.

    I also tried the “Header Footer Elementor” plugin, but it applies the custom header to every page on the site without letting you choose the post type(s).

    Is there a setting I’m missing?

    Customer Support

    Hi Robert,

    If I understand you correctly, you should be able to use the before header content hook:

    With some conditional tags like:

    <?php is_front_page() ) : ?>
        Code here
    <?php endif; ?>

    More info here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Conditional_Tags

    Let me know if this helps.


    Thanks, I’ll try playing around with the hooks and conditional tags and see if I can get it to work. I was using the “before header content” hook to display a utility bar that I created in Elementor. Worked great. But what I’m trying to do now might only be possible with Beaver Themer. Luckily I do have a license for that. 🙂

    Customer Support

    No problem!

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