[Support request] Child Theme installation

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    (Translation below)

    J’ai installé le GP Child Theme pour mon site. Un ami a fait des modifications pour les styles etc et après une mise à jour, tout est disparu. Je ne trouve pas de tutoriels comment utiliser un child thème: ou est le parent tjème et comment ne pas perdre le travail fait.

    Merci pour votre aide. (Je lis l’anglais mais je ne l’écris pas 🙁 )


    I installed the GP Child Theme for my site. A friend made changes for styles etc and after an update, everything is gone. I do not find any tutorials how to use a child theme: or is the parent tjemme and how not to lose the job done.

    Thank you for your help. (I read English but I do not write it 🙁


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    If the changes were made to the child theme files, and the parent theme (GeneratePress) was updated, then nothing would have happened to the child theme files.

    The only time changes are lost is when the theme the changes were made to is updated.

    Let me know if that makes sense or not 🙂



    Thank you for your answer. Yes, it speaks to me. I know the usefulness of child-theme. But what I dont not understand the installation. Currently I have two folders generatepress in the “themes” folder a geeneratepress and a generatepress_child that contains only 3 elements: functions.php, screensot.png and style.css.

    We made changes in “theme header” (header.php). This is: PERSONAL AN STYLES <style>

    Where should we have done that?

    Another question: it is possible to transfer a static page from a test site “local” in the online site. Because I can no longer put the image of the header idem to the other pages. (Home Pages, “présentation” ≠ all other static pages.)

    Thank you for your help.

    My site: http://www.negrelli-andrea.fr


    Merci pour ta réponse. Oui, ça me parle. Je connais l’utilité de child-theme. Mais ce que ne comprends pas, c’est l’installation. Actuellement j’ai deux dossiers generatepress dans le dossier “themes” un geeneratepress et un generatepress_child qui ne contient que 3 éléments: functions.php, screensot.png et style.css.

    Nous avons fait des modifications dans “en-tête du theme” (header.php). C’est: PERSONNAL AN STYLES <style>

    Où il aurait fallu faire ça ?

    Autre question : est possible de transférer une page statique d’un site test en “local” dans le site en ligne. Car je n’arrive plus remettre l’image de l’en-tete idem aux atres pages. (Pages présentation ≠ toutes les autre pages statiques.

    Merci pour votre aide.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You would copy the header.php file and add it to your generatepress_child folder. Then the site would use that file over the parent file.

    However, if you can make use of hooks or filters instead of overwriting entire files, it’s preferred.

    Not too sure what you mean by transferring? If you move a page from local server to a live server, you need to update all links including links to images (the image needs to be uploaded to the live server).

    Let me know if you need more info 🙂

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