Changing Date & Adding Category

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Home Forums Support Changing Date & Adding Category

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  • #190980


    Currently, if I make a post, the date is showed as follow: “April 30, 2016 by Author”. But in my native language, this is incorrect. So is there a possible way to change this, into, for example, “30 April, 2016 by Author”?

    Also: I want to add the category behind the date and author. So it would be like: “30 April, 2016 by Author in Reviews”, for example. Is there a way to do this?

    It would be nice if you could explain it as easy as possible, as I am just a beginner.

    Thank you very much in advance 🙂

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    For the date, you can do this in WordPress.

    Go to “Settings > General” and set your “Date Format” to “Custom” with this value:

    n F, Y

    For the categories, this might help:


    Thanks for your reply, the date issue has been solved 🙂

    But I’m struggling with adding the category. I’ve done as described, but it doesn’t seem to work.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Can you link me to your site?

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