[Resolved] Change separator spacing from padding to margin

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Change separator spacing from padding to margin

Home Forums Support Change separator spacing from padding to margin

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  • #39466


    Since 1.2.0 version you “[*] Change separator spacing from padding to margin”

    Ok no problem with that it’s your choice but now we can’t adjust the space between content-area/header or navigation, and the space between content-area/sidebar widgets and also, of course between sidebar widgets/header or navigation . Will you provide another thing to do that ?

    I can show you with pics if you want.

    thank you,


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Are you using custom CSS or the Spacing plugin?

    Let me know πŸ™‚


    I use the spacing plugin.
    I know i can do it with custom css but I build the website for person who don’t know anything in coding. So it why i ask that …

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Have you updated to the latest version of the plugin?


    My bad the addons upgrade of this morning fail. I didn’t note that.

    May be I don’t use the good process to upgrade the addons. Can you illuminate me =-) ?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    If you’ve verified your email in “Appearance > GeneratePress” and activated GP Premium or Generate Spacing, you should see the update available by going to the “Plugins” area of your Dashboard.

    It will display a notice letting you know an update is available for download, and will provide a link for you to update.

    When you say it failed, what do you mean? Did you receive any specific error?

    Thanks πŸ™‚


    I have re-upgrade the GP Prenium Pack and now all working fine.
    Thanks you and Sorry bother you for, almost, nothing ^^

    PS :

    When you say it failed, what do you mean? Did you receive any specific error?

    A server error I guess, need to be verifed πŸ˜€

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