[Support request] Change Page Title from H1 to H3

Home Forums Support [Support request] Change Page Title from H1 to H3

Home Forums Support Change Page Title from H1 to H3

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    I want to change the title of my pages from H1 to H3, and if possible, make the title go away completely on the actual page.

    I use the page titles for easy navigation for the user, so I can only do 2-3 words as the page title. For SEO reasons, I think it would be better to do a longer h1 title while still preserving the shorter page title in the navigation.

    Is there any CSS code that would accomplish this?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Changing the element tag for the headings would require you to overwrite the template files, which is no fun.

    I wouldn’t suggest doing it, but if you have to, you can disable the built-in content title and add your own: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/disable-elements-overview/

    Instead, I would make the page title whatever I wanted, and then change the navigation label to something shorter in “Appearance > Menus”.


    Instead of getting rid of the title on the page, is it possible to just change the title’s H tag to H2 or H3 with just some CSS code?

    I did a similar thing with the widgets H tag from h2 to h4.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    not doable with just CSS, it would require a child theme and rewriting the template files.
    The Nav Label can be edited to be as short as you need it, without effecting the Post Title. I am not sure why you would want to replace a H1 with a H3, this in itself could be detrimental to your SEO.

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