[Resolved] Background Images

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  • #9703

    Hi Tom
    Thanks for the great theme. Really enjoying Generate Press a lot. One thing that I can’t work out:
    Since you don’t provide the ability to use a background image, I use a plugin to do just that. It works fine in all browsers except Safari.
    There is a gap about 40px wide on the left boarder, when viewed in Safari on Mac, iPad or iPhone. have a look: http://www.itw-oberstufe.ch/wp
    Because the plugin works on many other themes I reckon it has something to do with Generate Press. What could it be?
    Thanks for your help!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Ariel,

    Nice website – I’m almost done our backgrounds addon πŸ™‚

    I took a look at your website in Safari and didn’t notice any issues.

    Can you possibly do a couple refreshes, and if it’s still there take a screenshot for me?



    Hi Tom
    Thanks for your quick response. I tested on several computers, iPhone and iPad and the gap is still there – on Safari. Check it out:
    Screenshot Safari
    Screenshot Firefox
    Any idea?
    When your adon is out, the problem will be solved πŸ™‚
    Cheers, Ariel

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Do you have access to another computer/a friend’s computer to give it a test? I can’t think of anything in GeneratePress that would be causing this.

    Also – our Generate Backgrounds addon has just been released πŸ™‚



    OK, will try your adon then. Thanks!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Let me know how it goes πŸ™‚

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