What’s the fastest, easiest way, to show author bios on the bottom of blog posts please? So we already have the feature to show who’s writing the blog post, but – please see here for example: https://www.totallypurrfect.com/games-to-play-with-your-cat/ – when you see the name, it doesn’t allow you to click on it, to be able to read more… (so that’s one way to do it?) But ideally, I’d have the bio looking like this at the bottom of the post (which is automatically added on, depending on who you list the writer as): https://roundpeg.biz/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Sample-Author-Box.jpg
Amazing, thank you so much. Super happy with how this looks now! Can you just please tell me how I can reduce the space below the author bio here please? —> https://www.totallypurrfect.com/author/ella/