[Support request] Archive Navigation not sowing for subcategories (Volume theme)

Home Forums Support [Support request] Archive Navigation not sowing for subcategories (Volume theme)

Home Forums Support Archive Navigation not sowing for subcategories (Volume theme)

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  • #2353081


    I’m using the Volume theme and have left the defaults as they are for the Archive Navigation element. It appears fine throughout the site, except on subcategories.

    e.g. it appears for the blog arcive under site.com/dogs but does not appear for the subcategory site/com/dogs/spaniels

    Any ideas on how to fix this? I’ve got “all archives” selected under the location settings, but it’s still not showing up.


    Customer Support

    Hi Gina,

    How many posts do you have for Paleo and Vegan? If it’s equal or less than the number of posts you’ve set to show, it won’t appear by default.

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