Allow for different post settings depending on view

Home Forums Support Allow for different post settings depending on view

Home Forums Support Allow for different post settings depending on view

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  • #64783

    Currently, the extra settings in the blog add-on allow for hiding of various elements like tags, author etc. It would be nice to toggle these settings based on whether it is a summary view (feed) or standalone post view. Being able to display tags or categories makes more sense for the standalone post view, whereas hiding those same elements for the masonry/feed view is nice for design’s sake for example.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi George,

    Very true, but usually you can either have a regular view or masonry view, so you can turn them on/off as you need.

    That being said, you can always show/hide the elements using CSS. The containers to posts usually have a unique class in them that you can use to target that post type/format 🙂

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