Site became partly in English, how to get back my language?

Home Forums Support Site became partly in English, how to get back my language?

Home Forums Support Site became partly in English, how to get back my language?

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  • #179661
    Dmitry Bychenko

    After last update site became partly in English, like “Leave a cooment”, “Search”, “Logged in as ..”, “Log out?”, “Post a comment” etc.

    For me its ok, but for my visitors could be a problem or little bit annoying or something.

    How to get it back to what its been before update? that was ok.

    In Settings -> General -> Site Language the right language is set.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Dmitry Bychenko.
    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    GP now uses for translation.

    It would be awesome if you could provide the translated text here:

    Then let me know your username and I’ll request that you become an editor so you can approve the translations.

    Let me know if you’re interested or not 🙂

    Dmitry Bychenko

    no problem.

    WP username:

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    What’s the URL to your profile? For example, this is mine:

    Also, what translation will you be updating?

    Dmitry Bychenko

    i wanted to translate “Leave a comment” for example, but it is translated here

    Dmitry Bychenko

    i wanted to translate “Leave a comment” for example, but it is translated here

    on my site – is not translated. hmm.. whats the problem?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    The language needs to reach 100% for the language pack to be created.

    So everything needs to be translated, and then approved by an editor (I’ll request that you become one using your username).

    Gaute Holmin

    I would like to help with the Norwegian translation. My wordpress username is topdog

    Gaute Holmin

    I’ve now added all the missing Norwegian transelations, so if an Editor approves them, the translation pack will be created automatically?


    Hi Tom,

    I have the same issue. Some text on my website is transled in English. How can I switch it to German? The WordPress Settings are set to German.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    @gauteweb – thank you! I’ve requested that you be an editor. Hopefully they respond soon so you can approve the translations 🙂

    @Lihas – I’m waiting on the German translation team to approve an editor, they’re taking their time unfortunately. I’ll try some friendly nudges.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    @gauteweb You can now approve Norwegian translations for GeneratePress.

    Thanks! 🙂

    Gaute Holmin

    Great stuff, I’ve now approved the translation and Norwegian is at 100% 🙂

    Glad to help, love your work!

    What happens next? (just to please my curiosity)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Gaute Holmin.
    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Thank you! I really appreciate it!

    The translation pack should be built within the next 6 hours (the system checks every 6 hours, could be 5 minutes depending on when the last build was).

    Once it’s built, GP will be translated 🙂

    Gaute Holmin

    Cool. So if there for example in the future we change something in the translation (find better phrases for example, I see some of the longer phrases, like the 404 one could be adjusted a bit), they will just magically appear +/- six hours after I approve a change?

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