[Support request] Adding content in the homepage

Home Forums Support [Support request] Adding content in the homepage

Home Forums Support Adding content in the homepage

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  • #2349741


    I want to add content to my homepage. But I am not able to add it as it is added as a post or other page.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    The home page is currently set as the Posts page which would display a list of your published single posts.

    Perhaps a static home page is what you are looking for?



    Thanks for the update. I want to use a font like this as shown below on this site.

    Customer Support

    Hi Ajay,

    It’s using proxima-nova font family.


    Thanks, Ying. I am not able to see the “your homepage displays” in reading settings. As shown in the screenshot – https://prnt.sc/-EPGLvKDSZdu

    Customer Support

    I am not able to see the “your homepage displays” in reading settings.

    Have you published any posts and pages yet?


    Hello Ying,

    I am publishing the homepage content. But when I try to publish the homepage, the URL is appearing as a post page and not the homepage URL. Please check the private information box for more info.

    Customer Support

    When I tried to publish the page, it seems the URL is correct, it’s using the page title as the slug:
    [screenshot removed]

    I’ve set the status to draft again.

    Once you’ve published a page, you should be able to see the homepage setting at settings > reading.

    Do you mean this box?
    [screenshot removed]

    It’s built with the GenerateBlocks plugin, if you have the plugin installed, you can build it easily.


    Hello Ying,

    I don’t want to use the page title as the slug. As it is on the homepage. The URL will be – https://www.websitename.com/. As it is on the homepage.



    I haven’t gotten any reply.

    Customer Support

    Hi Ajay,

    You can use a two column Grid Block.

    You’ll need to search for a thumbs up/down image, then add it on top of the two columns.

    Then add a Container Block and give it a negative margin top. Then add a Border size in the spacing section.

    Modify the colors.

    Lastly, add Headline Blocks, and add icons for them for the check and x marks.

    I found SVG icons you can use for this: https://icons.getbootstrap.com/icons/check-circle/

    Also see: https://icons.getbootstrap.com/icons/x-circle/

    Side note. For GenerateBlocks related inquiries, please reach out to us here: https://generateblocks.com/support/

    or here: https://community.generateblocks.com/

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