
Thumbnails pile under single product image

So I’ve converted the site over to GP. Now the only thing that doesn’t look great are these piles of thumbnails directly under the single product image. I think in Woo 3.0 this is supposed to be a carousel? There’s no console errors so I’m not entirely sure why this is happening?

show salient image in article preview

Hi, i have a problem and i want to ask you for the solution: Is about the salient image, i understand that in the template the salient image is above the entry tittle. My problem is that i need to show the salient image in the entry summary (before go in the complete article). In … Read more

woocommerce bookable product page customisation

Hi, The page in question: The product image seems to be square by default, but the calendar takes up more space into the bottom and so the too are very misaligned. Can the two columns match? If its too much hassle I would like to remove the image and centre the calendar. However, when … Read more

Body Background Blur Filter

Hi, it may sound simple but I’m not a CSS guy, so i need help. I want to blur out the body background, it should work with a code like this: -webkit-filter: blur(5px); -moz-filter: blur(5px); -o-filter: blur(5px); -ms-filter: blur(5px); filter: blur(5px); But i simply don’t know how to trigger only the body background-image. Thanks in … Read more

Turn off image resize

Hi, i have a problem with uploading images to my WP. Want turn off image resize. I am googling, but in my function.php i havent set_post_thumbnail_size or add_image_size. Where can i find these function?

Show Page Header in Pages and Post

Hi! I need to put a page header with a full size image in the pages and posts but not in the initial screen that has a Blog Header. How can I do it without losing the format of the pages and the post? Thanks!

WC image product

Hi. Sorry for my english. I’m trying to WC. When loading a product I do not see the image correctly. Regenerate the size and not solve the problem. This is the demo link Thanks

Page Header image not responsive

Hi team, For some reason I cannot get the Page Header image responsive. When I follow the instructions video I don’t see the option featured image anymore.\ So I only can have a background image and that’s not responsive. What to do? Thanks!