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Home Forums Support Content Layout 'problem' Reply To: Content Layout 'problem'


I think i have found the solution to have it look like I’d like it.
But since I’m not familiar with web developing I’m not able to modify it myself.
I just edited the html in Chrome.

If i delete the class ‘site-content’ from
<div id="content" class="site-content">
it aligns perfectly aligns with the header.

And if i delete the class ‘site-main’ from
<main id=”main” class=”site-main” itemprop=”mainContentOfPage” role=”main”>`
it shifts right so the edges also align with the header.

And also there is no more free space, when i resize the browser window. Thats how i wanted it anyway.

Is it reasonable to remove these two classes? Or are there serious downsides to it?
Could you help me to archive both additional changes?
