[Resolved] A value for the field logo is required (But I have a logo?

Home Forums Support [Resolved] A value for the field logo is required (But I have a logo?

Home Forums Support A value for the field logo is required (But I have a logo?

  • This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Tom.
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    I’m using generatepress with Tasty (from the site library).

    I am getting this message: (In google structured data etc)
    “A value for the field logo is required”

    Despite having a logo on my website. I even tried adding a square logo instead (idk maybe it would work), but still the same message.

    What is causing this? How do I fix the issue?

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    i believe this means you need to add a Site Icon to your site. You can add one in the Customizer > Site Identity.


    Well, I already have a site icon. Can you not see it?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I just ran your site through the structured data test and didn’t see any errors. Did you get this figured out?


    Thank you for having a look. The problem is actually when I analyze an individual post. It shows under the “article” section that the logo is missing.
    Sorry for not specifying earlier. Looking forward to your response!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Aha, so Yoast is adding JSON+LD, and setting your post as an “Article”. An “Article” requires a publisher, and a publisher requires a publisher logo. Perhaps Yoast has an option in their settings for the publisher logo?


    That was EXACTLY it. Awesome, thank you.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You’re welcome 🙂

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