[Support request] How to put more than an image at top of page?

Home Forums Support [Support request] How to put more than an image at top of page?

Home Forums Support How to put more than an image at top of page?

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    I have my logo type of picture in a large form at the top of all my pages.
    I ideally would like to have my logo just be smaller and on the left of the screen with some text/social shares/email form on the right. Like on this page

    How do accomplish that?
    Right now in the site identifier I cant figure out how to add columns πŸ™


    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Try the header widget area:

    Let me know if this helps πŸ™‚


    So in the article it says it will automatically split the space in two but my parts end up stacking on top of eachother at odd angles and everything looks crazy (I dont know how to show you)

    I thought maybe its the code of the thing I was trying to implement so its below.

    Also right now my logo image is at the top of the page in the site identifier so would I have to remove the site identifier and put my logo in the header to be able to share the space? I tried removing the identifier and putting it in the header and it was still not formating reasonably.

    <table style="width:100%">
    	  Some text
          <input type="email" name="EMAIL" required="" 
          	placeholder="Email Address">
            <input type="text" style="text-align:center;" 
               name="FNAME" placeholder="First Name" required="">
        	<input type="submit" value="Subscribe">	
    Customer Support

    I’m not sure if I understand.

    Are you still trying to create the header like this page?

    If so you will want the header alignment to be left:

    Then just add multiple widgets like this:

    Then they will be stacked by default like this:


    Tried aligning left.
    It looks like this πŸ™

    I assume its supposed to scale itself if thats the issue…maybe I need to do it manually?

    Customer Support

    It’s not supposed to scale itself as it has no way of knowing how big you want the logo.

    Have you tried reducing the logo width?


    Ah ok if I force the logo small then they don’t stack on top of eachother. Nice!

    But then it leaves me with two other little issues:
    1-I had to use a <table> to get the text formatted the right way but it leaves me with lines around this I cant seem to get rid of (tried border=”0″ and rules = “none”)
    2-the input fields are huge for some reason I was trying to make them closer to the size of the text that goes inside (like the box is the height of 3 lines of text)

    Customer Support

    Are you inserting those fields with a plugin?

    I also don’t see them on your live site.


    Its the form for mailchimp but its just an HTML table
    I put it on this unreferenced page below to show it.
    I’m trying to get it to be pretty small so that I can put it up by my header image.

    Customer Support

    Can you actually put it in the header widget?

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