[Support request] Hook works on Pages but not on Archive

Home Forums Support [Support request] Hook works on Pages but not on Archive

Home Forums Support Hook works on Pages but not on Archive

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  • #821828

    Hey there,

    my hook work’s at all Pages but not on the Archive page.

    Hook Display rules: Front Page, Blog, Archive.
    Hook location: after_header, php is checked.
    Priority: 10.

    I’ve also tried to make a special hook for Archive page with the same code but different name giving.

    here’s my code:

    // define parent element variables
    $sliderelements = get_field('headerslidernews');
    // define background image variables
    $bgimage = get_field('hintergrund_bildnews');
    $bgimage_size = 'large'; // (thumbnail, medium, large, full or custom size)
    // define autoplay via ACF
    $sliderimage_autoplay = get_field('autoplaynews');
    $slider_nav = get_field('slider_navigationnews');
    <?php // check if the repeater field has rows of data
    if( have_rows('headerslidernews') ): ?>
    	<div id="home_slider" class="<?php echo $slider_nav; ?>">
    		<div class="main-carousel headerslider grid-container container grid-parent" data-flickity='{
    				"cellAlign": "center",
    				"contain": true,
    				"pageDots": true,
    				"prevNextButtons": false,
    				"wrapAround": true,
    				"autoPlay": <?php echo $sliderimage_autoplay; ?> }'>
    		 <?php // loop through the rows of data
         while ( have_rows('headerslidernews') ) : the_row();
    		 	// define image variables
    	 		$sliderimage = get_sub_field('bildnews');
    	 		$sliderimage_size = 'large'; // (thumbnail, medium, large, full or custom size)
    	 		// define link
    	 		$sliderlink = get_sub_field('linknews');
    		    <div class="carousel-cell">
    					<div class="carousel-cell-textbox">
    						<h2 class="slider-titel">
    							<?php the_sub_field('titelnews');?>
    						</h2><!-- slider-titel -->
    						<p class="slider-text">
    							<?php the_sub_field('textnews');?>
    						</p><!-- slider-text -->
    						<?php // Break up link array
    						if( $sliderlink ):
    							$link_url = $sliderlink['url'];
    							$link_title = $sliderlink['title'];
    							$link_target = $sliderlink['target'] ? $sliderlink['target'] : '_self';
    							<div class="link-button_slider link-button">
    								<a class="read-more button" href="<?php echo esc_url($link_url); ?>" target="<?php echo esc_attr($link_target); ?>"><?php
    									if( $link_title ):
    										echo esc_html($link_title);
    										_e('Read More' , 'a1startup');
    									endif; ?>
    							</div><!-- link-button -->
    						<?php endif; // $sliderlink ?>
    							<div class="sliderimage">
    			        	<?php echo wp_get_attachment_image( $sliderimage, $sliderimage_size ); ?>
    							</div><!-- sliderimage -->
    			   </div><!-- carousel-cell -->
    			<?php endwhile; ?>
    	  </div><!-- main-carousel headerslider -->
    	</div><!-- home_slider -->
    <?php endif; // $sliderelements ?>
    <style type="text/css">
    	#home_slider {
    		background-image: url("<?php echo $bgimage; ?>");
    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    i am not sure how ACF Fields could be called for the Archive page. Where would these fields be populated?


    hi @david,

    These fields will be populated in the backend where you can set up a slider for the frontend.


    hi @david,

    These fields will be populated in the backend where you can set up a slider for the frontend.

    Customer Support

    I think its more to do with ACF not finding what its looking for, is this topic of any help:


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