[Resolved] CPT archive with dynamic colours

Home Forums Support [Resolved] CPT archive with dynamic colours

Home Forums Support CPT archive with dynamic colours

  • This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by David.
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    Hi – I have a CPT and would like to have an archive page with a different background colour for each post – based on taxonomy.
    So Books = green, Documents = Blue, Cards = Red
    I’ve created a colour-picker, and store the category colour in term-meta ‘cat_color’.
    Is there a way with a Block Template (or any way) to set the background colour of each container (article) to the value of ‘cat_color’.
    In other words – to create a CPT archive, with different colour background for each post. e.g.
    [Books article (grn background]
    [Books article (grn background]
    [Cards article (red background] etc.
    Hope that’s clear.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    on a standard post the taxonomy-term gets added as a post_class to the article container.


    This should apply, or could be applied to a CPT.

    Do you have the CPT archive setup so i can take a look?


    I can’t use fixed css – because the client might add categories later, or choose a new colour… so I need to enable the colour to be added dynamically.
    You can sniff around on the site. As I say, a CPT taxonomy ‘resource_type’ – which allows you to save a colour to the term meta ‘cat_color’.
    It’s a test-site so you can do whatever you need.


    Well. I have achieved it by using a HOOK – generate_before_entry_title – targeting the cpt archives, with this code:

      $post_con = get_the_ID();
    	if ( $terms = get_the_terms( $post_con, 'resource_type' ) ) {
        $term_ids = wp_list_pluck( $terms, 'term_id' );
    	$term_one = $term_ids[0];
      $cat_color = get_term_meta($term_one, 'cat_color', true);
    	#post-<?php echo $post_con; ?> .inside-article {background-color: <?php echo $cat_color; ?>}

    This retrieves the cat_color and dynamically adds in-line styles… but the whole thing feels like a crime against code! So if you know of a neater way, I’d really appreciate it – especially as I’d like to use BLOCKS template to style the archive.

    Customer Support

    Hi Mike,

    This is actually fine but consider hooking it on wp_head instead hooks within the actual <body> of the page for uniformity.


    I don’t think this would work? Or am I misunderstanding?
    If I hook to the HEAD I’d have to iterate over IDs from the loop and create a stylesheet. But if I have infinite scroll, I’d potentially have to make a style-sheet for 1000’s of posts which would get silly.
    A better way would be to modify the archive.php and add the style in-line. However – I am hopeless at code. Looking at your archive.php all it does is generate_do_template_part( ‘archive’ );
    I understand this is a custom function. But could you help me out by giving an idiots guide to creating the right file structure so that I have (is it content.php?) the right files in my child-theme to edit the output of the loop. Let’s call my CPT ‘resources’. I know I need something like resources-content.php (copied from content.php) and resources-archive.php (copied from archive) – is this right? and where do i put the copies.
    I’d really appreciate it. thanks.

    Customer Support

    Is it possible to access the site ? That login failed to recognise the user ?


    Hi David,
    Sorry to mess about – I removed the user. I’ve created archive-(slug) and content-(slug) in my child theme and now have the background style applied there, which should solve things. I’m sure you have enough to do – but if you want to have a look please do – I’ve added the user back. If you have an inspiration for the ‘least effort’ and ‘most bullet-proof against future theme changes’ way of doing this – that will apply to the archives and the single-posts… – or can modify the code to be more efficient – I will have a little wee of joy 😉

    Customer Support

    Ok… so my thoughts would be to loop through the taxonomy terms, get the term meta and print out some CSS variables.
    Something to play with:

    add_action('wp_head', 'db_term_colors');
    function db_term_colors(){
        $termArgs = array(
    	// add term args if necessary
        $taxonomy = 'your_tax_slug';
        $taxterms = get_terms( $taxonomy, $termArgs );
        $css = '<style>';
        foreach ($taxterms as $term) {
            $term_color = get_term_meta( $term->term_id, 'color', true);
            $css .= '.' . $taxonomy . '-' . $term->slug . '{--term-bg:' . $term_color . ';}'; 
        $css .= '</style>';
        echo $css;

    You need to set the $taxonomy = 'your_tax_slug';

    What this will do is print out a bunch of style like this:

    .your_tax_slug-entertainment {
        --term-bg: #dd3333;
    .your_tax_slug-food {
        --term-bg: #eeee22;
    .your_tax_slug-technology {
        --term-bg: #ef32ef;
    .your_tax_slug-travel {
        --term-bg: #72160c;

    Now you can do this:

    .element-selector {
        background-color: var(--term-bg);

    The beauty of using CSS Variables also means you can set a default color at the root:

    :root {
        --term-bg: #ffoooo;

    or just add that color variable in the GP Customizer > Colors and that will do it for you.

    What the dynamic CSS function is doing is updating the CSS Variable at the local post_class level. So theres no need to address and post-classes in your CSS 🙂


    This is beautifully done and works like a charm for archives and single… many thanks 🙂

    Customer Support

    Awesome – glad to hear that worked!!

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