[Resolved] Hiding Grid Containers on Tablet and Mobile

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Hiding Grid Containers on Tablet and Mobile

Home Forums Support Hiding Grid Containers on Tablet and Mobile

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  • #1536742
    Website Psychiatrist

    Is there / there needs to be a way to hide a grid containers when switching to tablet or mobile. I’m finding the grid layout to be extremely powerful, but there are times where elements that are used in the desktop version just really don’t need to show up in tablet or mobile.

    I thought GP might have already accounted for this, so I tried setting the container width to zero in tablet, but let’s just say the results weren’t what I was hoping for! 🙂

    Frankly, if I’m making a wish list, I could see being able to hide grid container on Desktop, too. Depending on the layout, I could see custom building a grid container for each screen.


    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Would the built-in hide-on classes help with this?

    If not can you link me to the page in question?

    Website Psychiatrist

    Wow! That was fast!

    If I’m understanding “hide-on” correctly, it looks like it’s just hiding content in a container. I’m talking about hiding an entire container. I’m envisioning where you pick the container’s width for each screen, you can check a box that says “hide”

    Here’s an example of what I’m experimenting with.

    On this page:

    The container with the black background with the stylized “C” could just be dropped in tablet and mobile.


    Customer Support

    If I’m understanding “hide-on” correctly, it looks like it’s just hiding content in a container.

    Not sure if I fully understand, if you add the class to the container itself, then the entire container should be hidden.

    Can you try this for the black container with a C?

    Website Psychiatrist

    I apologize. I saw this:

    <div class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">
        Content here will only display in Desktop

    and my brain translated that into only working inside of a content block.

    I added “hide-on-mobile” in the “CSS Classes” field under the advanced settings for the container and it worked exactly as I had hoped.

    You’ve made me all the more sure that I did the correct thing by planning on doing all future development with Generate Press.


    Customer Support

    No problem 🙂


    Hola Leo!

    I was having a similar situation with a 2 container grid.
    I was using the left one to show a sticky table of contents.
    I’ve applied the hide-on class for mobile and tablet, but I keep seeing the right column “at the right”.
    Is there a way to show it centered on mobile and tablet view (once the 2dn container was hidden)?

    Customer Support

    Can you open a new topic for your question and link us to the page in question?


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