[Resolved] Theme adjustment questions

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Home Forums Support Theme adjustment questions

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    I am setting up my site with gp pro with one of the templates (“prime template”).
    You can see my staging version bellow.

    I have had a few problems that i would like your help with, as i am not very programming inclined, but i catch up pretty fast and always looking for the best solutions in a clean, elegant and productive way! Short, fast and simple in other words!

    The first thing i am trying to adjust in my main page is the wp_shortcodes in the content! I want them to show
    Best sellers, Sales and Featured, but not in a vertical way as it is! I want all products of each shortcode to be in a row, horizontally.
    Second thing is i want to extend horizontally the search bar on top.
    And the third thing is that i want to remove the little black cart icon thats right next to my menu and try to implement it on a second menu that i ‘ll build. It will have login, register, etc pages and the cart…

    Thank you for your time, i eagerly await for your help.


    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    1. Something is breaking the CSS of the Woocommerce columns, could you disable any woo related plugins eg. the Quick view to see if this is the cause.

    2. In Customizer > Additional CSS adjust the max-width px of this:

    .dgwt-wcas-search-wrapp {
        max-width: 600px;

    3. You can move the cart to the secondary nav using the PHP filter snippet provided here:



    Hello again! Thank you for your time and help.

    1. i tried disabling quick view, but that didnt fix the issue, and i dont have many secondary woocommerce plugins…
    2. fixed it, thank you!
    3. i would actually want to remove the cart icon all together, as i will implement it in my menu though quadmenu plugin, is there a way to do it?

    Customer Support

    1. The CSS isn’t being loaded to create the columns. Can you uninstall and re-install the GP Premium plugin.

    3. In Customizer > Layout > Woocommerce you can disable the menu cart. Please note this will also remove the Mini Cart that appears when the cart is hovered.


    Hello again!

    1. I tried your suggestion, but that didnt fix the issue…

    3. That did the trick! Thank you.

    Can you tell me various things to try out so i can find out the cause of the problem?

    Customer Support

    Do any of the woocommerce plugins need updating?


    No, nothing needs updating…

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    There’s a lot of strange code in your HTML source. Does the issue go away if GP Premium and WooCommerce are the only active plugins?


    Yes the issue went away… What do you suggest that i do now? Reactivate plugins one by one?

    Thank you for your time, much appreciated!


    I found the plugin that did this… Its perfmatters!


    Do you have any idea if something in the configuration does this? Cause as i have seen in many articles gp and perfmatters does well together!


    Before deactivation of perfmatters, in the browser console i didnt get a message like –> JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
    But when i deactivated it i got

    JQMIGRATE: ‘ready’ event is deprecated
    migrateWarn @ jquery-migrate.js?ver=1.4.1:45

    Is that of any help, to figure things out? Thank you


    I enabled the bellow options on perfmatters and eveything seems on check

    Disable Scripts?

    Disable Cart Fragmentation?

    Disable Widgets?

    The only thing that concerns me, is what i wrote above,

    “” Before deactivation of perfmatters, in the browser console i didnt get a message like –> JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
    But when i deactivated it i got

    JQMIGRATE: ‘ready’ event is deprecated
    migrateWarn @ jquery-migrate.js?ver=1.4.1:45
    * “”

    And if you have any suggestions on anything…

    But all problems seem solved!
    Thank you very much

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Glad you found a solution!

    That console message isn’t anything to worry about – it exists on all WordPress sites when using jQuery 🙂


    Thank you very much for your time! Much appreciated!!!

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