[Resolved] Translation

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Home Forums Support Translation

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  • #180816
    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Thanks! What’s your WordPress.org username?

    I’ll request that you become an editor so you can approve the translations.

    From what I’ve seen, the French translation team is a little strict and typically want you to touch base in their Slack channel.

    They suggest you read this: https://fr.wordpress.org/2015/12/18/how-french-community-handles-pte-requests/

    You can see an example of a plugin author asking here: https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/2016/03/16/hello-polyglots-i-have-another-translation-editor-id/

    No other translation team has asked this, but I’m assuming they will with us too.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Tom.

    Okay, I’ll read this later!

    My name is : BiGAnaon

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Cool – I’ll request you become an editor right now (they’ll probably say the same thing about the Slack channel to me, we’ll see).

    Thanks again!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Saw that, I went to the Slack channel, I am waiting for them now =)

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer


    Hector Jose

    Hello Tom,

    I am trying to change a ‘WordSmith’ theme to Spanish. Supposedly it’s 100% translated, however I have noticed that some things have effectively translated to Spanish while others are still in English (after having changed the language in the ‘settings’), for example, the ‘comments’ at the bottom says ‘Leave a comment’, but just below it says in Spanish ‘Conectado como usuario’. What’s going on? Thank you and have a nice day!

    Hector Jose

    Sorry for my previous question. It took a lot of minutes, but apparently the site itself has refreshed as a whole and now it is correctly displaying everything in Spanish. Sorry for the interruption, hope nothing else happens!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    That’s strange! Glad it’s working now 🙂

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